Hansel and Gretel

Composed by Engelbert Humperdinck
Libretto by Adelheid Wette
Houston Grand Opera, June 2021
Director: Lileana Blain-Cruz. Visual Design & Original Art: Hannah Wasileski.
Costumes: Montana Levi Blanco.

Lead Designer: Hannah Wasileski. Lead Editor: Paul Lieber. Lead Animator: Gabriel Aronson.
Lead Compositor: Elizabeth Mak. Lead Illustrator: Jayoung Yoon. Lead Assets: Yi Zhao.

I spent much of the first part of 2021 working on Hansel and Gretel with Hannah. A unique green screen opera with illustrated backgrounds and animated assets, it was a challenge for most of us coming from the theatre world! Available until June 28 on Marquee TV for free.


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